
  • Seven slide projectors, control system, table, projection surface, 168 slides

  • Variable with installation

  • An investigation into the relationship between the sense of time and actual time.

    Automatically, a camera photographs the same subject, a bedside lamp, in an empty room with a window. A picture is taken every minute for 24 hours. Aperture and exposure time are set to 12 noon and remain constant, while the natural lighting conditions change. An image archive is created.

    The artist completely isolates herself from the outside world on seven randomly chosen days. Without daylight and without "real" time, she estimates the duration of a full hour 24 times. By shooting a digital image, she records the exact time.

    Using the metadata, the artist determines the corresponding 24 images of the seven research days from the image archive. In brightness and color temperature, the corresponding photographs sometimes differ very much, sometimes less obviously.

    The installation. Seven slide projectors - one projector per research day - show the 24 selected images in an endless loop. The duration of the projection depends on the actual time span between the perceived hours. With each loop, temporal differences between the seven image series increase. Based on the actual time, combined with the artist‘s personal perception of time, unforeseen and surprising collages are created in the installation.

  • 01 - 05 Installation view / Degree show, Academy of Fine Arts, Hamburg 2014


Nautical Twilight