• Paper, Ink, Nails, C-Print framed

  • Variable with installation; Sheets each 67,5 x 98cm, frame 30 x 40 cm

  • The artist stamps the text „THAT NOT THIS“ on all 40 pages of a flipchart pad. The title is reminiscent of the documentary "THIS NOT THAT" about the artist John Baldessari. Flipcharts, in turn, were a common tool for highlighting essentials in lectures until a few years ago.

    The resulting text collages are hung along a wall, partly overlapping each other. In the documented exhibition, the wall was wide enough for a series of 14 groups of pictures.

    The distribution of the images is freely chosen. The equation for calculating all potential hangings is: Nges = NV x NH. In total, the wall offers approximately 4.12677810967 E67 possibilities for hanging. The solution comes from Günther Mechelke, a teacher for many years in the television programme „Telekolleg“. His email is part of the installation.

  • 01 – 02 Installation view / Flip Flop, 2025 e.V., Hamburg 2016


Note Cube


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